China is shivering in a 72-year record winter


Beijing, the capital of China, is shivering in record cold. Beijing recorded a temperature of minus 10 degrees Celsius. North and North East China which has dropped below minus 40 degrees. BBC news. After 72 years, China saw such a winter again. Researchers blame climate change for such bone-chilling cold.

According to the country's meteorological department, a cold flow has been going on throughout China since the beginning of December. After 1961, this year's record cold has increased the number of travelers in the country. The authorities hope that there will be good income in the current tourism sector. In this regard, Dai Bin, an official of China Tourism Academy, said that due to the cold weather this year, tourists have increased their inclination towards fun activities like skiing and making snowmen. It is expected that 400 million people will visit China's tourist areas this year.

Tourists have already started coming to the tourist centers of northern China. However, the local residents have to suffer in winter. The heating system has broken down somewhere in severe winter. As the roads are covered with snow, traffic is disrupted and accidents are also happening. There has also been a fear of outbreak of cold-related diseases. Educational institutions of various provinces are closed. However, researchers blame climate change for such a terrible winter.

Benjamin P. Horton, director of Singapore's Earth Observatory, said that China has experienced so much winter due to climate change. Such catastrophes can only be prevented if carbon consumption can be reduced. After 72 years, such a bone-shaking winter has hit the country. Beijing has also seen its hottest summer on record this year. The temperature touched about 40 degrees.


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